Wednesday, May 23, 2012

PROJECT THREE :: Building Form

After discussion with my tutor, we came up with the idea of having the form of each of my building blocks as open books. With this we also discussed the idea of having the most popular/sold book projected onto the side of the buildings at night time.

I have looked into how this building might go together and have come up with a few ideas through a rough conceptual model. I have tried two versions, both the same idea, just different configurations.

This was my first attempt, and I was looking at having the reading spaces small and humble with ceilings only 3m high. The spaces are smaller and each one is connected to the cliff, but not necessarily in a straight line.

This second version the reading spaces are larger ceilings of about 7m and slightly larger floor space. The spaces are practically positioned on top of each other, just jutting out of the cliff at different lengths.

I'm leaning towards the second model, as I think integrating spaces for this design would be more achievable. It is also a more dominant figure and brings attention to the space.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

PROJECT THREE :: Specifics

The first element of my bookshop I have been looking into is how to convert paper books to e-books and what is necessary for this process. I have done a little research into this process and have comprised the basic details.

This is an example of the product that is required for converting books.

The second element that I have been researching is how to go about using second hand books as insulation and as a structural element. These are some examples:

For what I am hoping to achieve, I would possibly follow the first image, having just a section of the wall covered in plasterboard and the rest in perspex, or if possible, the entire wall sheeting be perspex. This is obviously something I need to investigate more but an element I'm really happy with.

Before I start looking at how to cover the wall, I needed to look at how to treat the books to make sure that they're safe to use as insulation.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

PROJECT THREE :: Space and Qualities

Now that I am happy with where my concept is, I am trying to work out my spatial arrangement. I am going through what space I will need, and the juxtaposition of these rooms. Here is the beginning of my process…

PROJECT THREE :: Inspiration

The tutorial following our presentation allowed me a chance to discuss how to further explore my design with my tutor. We were discussing that my metaphor from nature worked extremely well with my concept, the aspect I've taken from my folie, and as well as my learning experience. One hurdle I've faced over the past week is how my book shop can be sustainable. While I believe that fact that it will only provide 2nd hand books is a sustainable entity in itself, but I want some element of the building to be sustainable. I constantly kept looking to my nature metaphor, Slime Mold, as the answer for sustainability, but once talking with Yvonne she suggested using books as a sustainable element. We discussed that the books will have to be cured and treated, but could ultimately act as insulation in the walls. Further research needs to be made, but the types of book could determine what each room is (i.e. novel, non-fiction, newspaper, magazine, etc.).

From here, I have done some research and found 2 examples of books being used as some sort of structural/sustainable element.
 This first image is of the bar at the Archive Bar at West End. Books have been used as a structural and obviously an aesthetic element of the bar.
This second image is ok the ceiling at the QUT Kelvin Grove Library. The spines of the books create the "wave" effect.

The first image will obviously be of most value to what I'm trying to achieve, but not only on a bench, but also the walls...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

PROJECT TWO :: Interim Presentation

These are the slides I produced for our Project Two Interim Presentation. We were required to provide our Context, Concept and Space: Folie to Building

From the feedback following my presentation, Yvonne was happy with my ideas and where I am moving with this design (as am I). A suggestion made, was to continue with the concept of my building envelope, but like the idea behind slime mold, have the buildings become more and more sparse as the building spreads out over the site. Stay Posted...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

PROJECT TWO :: Building Concept

Whilst I have uploaded a building envelope (a very rough design at that), I have been looking into spatial arrangements to best utilise the site, the views and achieve what sort of a building I would like to have.

Spatial Analysis
Through talks with my tutor, Yvonne, we have discussed what would be the best option for a learning experience that is a place which offers people a place to 'swarm' to; a place of networking. I was thinking of an art gallery, a space where artists from surrounding areas and the greater brisbane a place to showcase their creations and possibly sell their artwork. I was then thinking that there could also be an art studio for people from the surrounding suburbs (schools, residents, business men/women) a place to learn art. While I was some what pleased with this idea, we decided that the idea of an art studio would not be a very sustainable addition to the building. 
So… with that I have instead gone with a secondhand book shop. It will be a shop that will provide secondhand, pre-loved and cherished books in an electronic digital form. I am hoping that this book shop will also provide spaces to enjoy these secondhand books and e-books and for it to be the go to place for all the secondhand books (electronically) as well as the ability to access the location of the paperback options; allowing people to order those books to this store. Obviously I will have to do some additional research to make sure that I have considered all the options and possibilities for this idea.