Sunday, March 25, 2012

PROJECT ONE :: Complete

Our Story:

I am strolling across the Story Bridge when something intriguing catches my eye. It is in the distance and I wonder, “How do I get down there? What is that place?” Countless times I have made the journey and yet I’ve never questioned what might lie beneath. A magnificent structure, which is deeply iconic of Brisbane City, the bridge has always stood tall with its far-reaching visibility, enforcing a looming presence upon the city and surrounding suburbs.  I decide to explore this mysterious place existing beneath, taking a left at the end of the bridge following a pathway. I look up and see the underside of the bridge; I’m overwhelmed by its presence. I have never experienced the structure in this way. It’s as though it’s following me.

I realise this place has a very strange but beautiful quality; why is it that I’ve never noticed this place before. Historical buildings stand at the bottom of the steep, towering cliffs surrounded by an expansive park; a path stretching its length. I continue to venture through the space; still feeling like something is looming behind me.

As I approach this structure, I notice that it has similar materiality to the bridge behind me. I get closer and start to see reflections of the site around me in the glass panels. As I get closer, the reflections alter; they entice me to look around. I discover a whole new view of the city, the water, the way a tree hangs over the path. Moving forward, the reflections begin to align. I can see the Story Bridge in one of the reflections; I knew it was there, however, I see the site in a different way. Connections begin to happen. I can see the historical buildings in the other glass panel and I am again reminded of the ominous presence of the overshadowing bridge. I see some very faint silhouettes behind the glass, so I walk through and look back, there are people sitting within the structure, looking at the framed views of the site; pondering, thinking, relaxing.

I feel as though I have really discovered something today. I have learnt about a whole new place and I want to learn more. What were the old buildings used for? Why are they here? Why have I never been down here? I go home feeling quite amazed. What an incredible encounter I’ve had today.  

PROJECT ONE :: Progress

I have been rather preoccupied with making sure that Project One was completed on time, and all tasks were complete, and forgot to continue updating my blog......

As a group, we struggled with how to come up with an idea. Whether to start with the learning and what we wanted people to learn, or to start with the design and what our inspiration would be. The first tutorial was spent practically going in circles. We eventually came to the idea of everything around the HSW and the Story Bridge falling apart.
What does this mean for the Story Bridge and the Wharves?


The second tutorial was a little more productive. We were still trying to achieve the same idea of things falling and being in ruins and what this would mean to the site.


Through discussion of surrounding suburbs, what the space meant and what was missing, we were able to get our "aahaaa" moment. Through research we knew that the both the Story Bridge and HSW were constructed around the same time. When each of us travel over the bridge, none of us ever wonder what is underneath, or at least I know I don't. Why is that? 


So going with that thought, we considered the idea of part of the Bridge falling into the site to bring the stature of the Bridge into the space that houses the HSW and then the attention. Continuing on with our brainstorming, we wanted to emphasise the fact that the Story Bridge is a landmark of Brisbane, that no matter where you are in the city, if you can see the bridge (which from most of the surrounding suburbs, you can). It is almost like the structure follows you. As well as that, we wanted to then highlight that these two "artefacts" were part of the same construction era, and both are heroes of the space, not just the Bridge. 


This was to be achieved by using reflective glass panels, angled at the right angles to bring into view one image of the HSW and one of the Bridge. These panels brought these images to view as pedestrians walked closer to the designed structure to highlight this fact. 
It is to control how people viewed the city, and bring to light the fact that both are equally amazing structures within our city, amongst our suburbs. 
People can also choose what they see when sitting in the structure looking out of the glass panels (reflective one side, transparent the other).


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

PROCESS :: Walkshop

My Walkshop entry for DAB525

I completed the walkshop March 7th. It was a workshop that really opened my eyes to the layout and elements of Brisbane City and how the Howard Smith Wharves relate to the city. I arrived at HSW via the central streets of the city and from the boardwalk that passes the Riparian Plaza, Customs House etc.
I drive over the Story Bridge at least once a week and I have to admit that HSW is a place that I don't generally think about. I finished the walkshop riverside, next to the Wharves. The space occupied is really quite a large space. It has the shade of the bridge above, and the cliffs surrounding it are covered with greenery. It is extremely run down and "messy," but there is so much history to this site. There is also a sense of unknown.

Images of my Journey to Howard Smith Wharves:

PROJECT ONE :: Learning


What exactly is learning? Not something that I have ever pondered, but a question that is rather challenging to answer.
According to,

Learning is 

  1. "knowledge acquired but systematic study in any field of scholarly application
  2. the act or process for acquiring knowledge or skill
  3. Psychology. the modification of behaviour through practice, training or experience"
So this is the dictionary definition, but I see learning to be anything. Very broad, I know, but you can learn in so many ways, and it's different to each person. 

I keep being brought back to the theory of VARK Learning, something that was brought to my attention a couple of years ago. It is a theory that was devised by Neil Fleming, a teacher focused on learning about learning.

V - Visual (through maps, diagrams, charts etc.)
A - Aural/Auditory (through hearing, spoken to)
R - Read/Write (displayed information, written)
K - Kinesthetic (experience or practice)
More information on this theory can be found

With both the dictionary definition and the theories of VARK learning in mind, can I narrow down what learning is?

For me, the idea of learning through experience would be of most interest. There is interaction, interest and something that would possibly have a lasting impression. If learning is obtaining or acquiring skill/knowledge or the modification of behaviour through practice, then creating an experience where people are able to learn through this could be the approach to have for Project One :: Folie...

Fleming, N. 2011. VARK: A Guide to Learning Styles. Accessed March 7, 2012, 2012. Accessed March 13, 2012,

THE SITE :: History

The construction of the Howard Smith Wharves took place throughout the 1930s. Originally built as Brisbane's Wharves, but since World War II and Howard Smith and Co. moving down stream, its use has changed over the years.
Howard Smith Wharves has also been occupied by the Water Police as well as Queensland Works Department.

Howard Smith Wharf,  New Farm, 1938. (1938)

This site has been heritage listed because of the history it has provided to Brisbane.
Brisbane City Council Website states "It shows the history of Brisbane as Queensland's premier port. It also shows how the expansion of the city has moved port activities further downstream."

... perhaps food for thought for our Project One Folie...

Brisbane City Council. 2010. Site History. Accessed March 7, 2012.
Unidentified. 1938. Howard Smith Wharf, New Farm, 1938. John Oxley, State Library Queensland. Accessed March 9, 2012.

Monday, March 12, 2012

PROJECT ONE :: Folie Design Proposal

The objective of this project is to, within our groups, design a Folie for the Howard Smith Wharves. It is to be a place where one has the opportunity to learn for at least 2 people and to fit within a 5m x 5m x 5m bounding box...


  • Not a destination, a space you move through 
  • Activate emotions, experiences etc.
  • The possibility to define a place/space

  • What exactly is learning
  • What do we want people to learn from our folie
  • How do we want people to learn


Design Narrative | Describe 'Future Learning Space' 
Location | Local Geography | Neighbouring Areas
How is the space occupied | What Happens in the space 
Anchorage | Assembly & Composition | Materials
View from within | Where can it be seen | How's it experienced